Ever come across this familiar phrase, “You are what you eat?” Do you often link whatever food you eat to how you feel most times? If your answer is yes then you are on track. Foods that are eaten in the course of the day have their own way of altering our moods, which affects our actions and behaviour in the long run.

Buying already-cooked food outside one’s home becomes the order of the day when one cannot afford to miss any hours of their morning sleep (while it’s at its cosiest) to make something for themselves before stepping out for work or wherever they may be going. Although this kind of food is an on-the-go option, it is sometimes unhealthy. Even more worrying is the fact that we don’t know how those foods were prepared or where ingredients were sourced from. There have been instances where food vendors have been filmed or reported to be preparing food for public consumption in a rather not so savoury manner, leaving one to wonder what they have been taking into their bodies anytime they buy from food vendors.

Undoubtedly, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that leave us with no choice but to dash to the nearest food vendor for some food, but do we pause for a moment to think of what we could be buying? Where was the food cooked? How was it made? Who cooked it? All these and more are some very worrying questions that should make us rethink what we eat when we are outside.

Even more, the environment in which we purchase the foods we consume can have a massive implication on the food being sold since a lot goes on in the air that the eye is not privy to. What could you have unknowingly eaten today? Think about it.

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