The rate at which young people are marrying in modern times is equivalent to the divorce rates that are popping up each day. Many reasons have been ascribed to these unfortunate decisions in our society, and each reason appears to be tangible enough when it’s thoroughly addressed. Some issues are tamed and settled amicably, whilst others escalate, even to the point of death, as seen in recent marriages.

To what extent does “for better, for worse” go? A statement whose definition is subjective in every marriage since every couple we see around us has a different experience in marriage. When things in marriages are rosy, everyone seems peaceful and comfortable with each other. Communication flow is relaxing and easy, and everyone would want to take the initiative to prove the amount of love they have for each other. But when “for worse” comes in, how are matters handled?

Resentment and abuses are not uncommon. A colleague playfully said that men especially, resort to abuse and violence when they recall the monies they paid as bride price for the woman to come home and disturb. But should that even be a reason?

Sadly, abuses of all kinds have become the topic in every marriage. Pastors and marriage counsellors in performing their religious duty; patching up cracking lines in marriages, fail to see when to let go. In their failure, they lead young people and their promising futures to their early graves. Marriages should not on any day, welcome emotional, psychological and or physical abuse.

These abuses all boil down to how one reacts to and tolerate issues. Partners should be mindful of taking the law into their own hands when tensions can’t be controlled because the aftermath is never pretty especially when it ends in physical damage.

Although society frowns upon divorce, do not wait for someone to tell you when to escape from the fire when you feel the burn the most. Make the right decisions and fight for what’s worth fighting for.

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