Each stroke further in between my thighs caused ripples in my blood.

“Ty…”, I choked

“Mmm hmmm”

I fell silent for a while wondering if I should go on with what I wished to ask.

“Go on”, he answered, as if reading my thoughts.

“I don’t know if….”

“I don’t know if this is the right time …”

“But I wish to know why you would cheat on Opeibea with me”

Looking up, he sighed and sat on the bed, wrapping his hand around me.

“I wanted you”

“huh?” I flustered. I felt cheap at that instance. He pecked my shoulder and lay his head on it, drawing small circles at my back.

My heart was troubled, once again. I knew who I was to him but someway and somehow,I wished he would not remind me. But instead, say something soothing. What was I expecting… this was a contract, was I catching feelings?

I gulped

He sighed again.

“Do you always jump into conclusions like this?”

“What I meant is….I..I wanted you from the start.”

“Which start? I asked?” Confused and eager at the same time.

He knelt before me and stroked my hands…

“The first day I met you was the day you were leaving with that man.”

“Which man”, I pushed

He rolled his eyes as if stating the obvious

“Your husband of course.”

In the silence of the night, when everything seemed to sleep except the sea waves that awakened from time to time, he shared with me what he expected me to believe. Of course, I did not believe it, but the fact that he claimed to have looked at me before Opeibea, filled me with content.

“I feared”… he said slowly

“That you would not accept me because Vee, just as everyone… I have a bad side too. Some are just too grave to come out of  a mortal’s mouth on any day”

“Is that what I saw when entering”, I interrupted, now becoming frightened as I had let my guard down too much.


That got me up abruptly… I began backing away afraid of nothing in particular…

C’mon… what are you doing, he quizzed, overwhelmed by my sudden actions—the audacity.

“Are you a killer?”

“No, no no… not like that really… Vee… listen…” he began, walking slowly towards me with a guilt-stricken face

There was no room behind me to go any further so without thinking, I dashed past him. And that was when it dropped.


The sleek black pistol fell from his back and I froze. And where did my voice go?

To be continued…

Akua Karle Okyere
Author at The Vocal Ghanaian | + posts

Akua Karle Okyere is a lifestyle blogger at The Vocal Ghanaian and also a PR technician. She enjoys researching on travels and tours and writing fictional stories in her leisure time.

By Akua Karle Okyere

Akua Karle Okyere is a lifestyle blogger at The Vocal Ghanaian and also a PR technician. She enjoys researching on travels and tours and writing fictional stories in her leisure time.

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