Babies naturally bring joy and smiles to the face of everyone who sees them. Their small bodies, innocent eyes, and sometimes big cheeks among other beauties about them soften people up every time. Even cuter is how dependent they are on adults for protection, love, company and so on. All that adds to how adorable they are.

Granted, babies are adorable, but sometimes they go through certain changes or we see certain things about their bodies that get us, especially mothers very worried about their comfort, health and happiness. Some of these things can be constant crying, swellings on their body, rashes around the neck and sometimes an unusually bloated belly.

Babies can have bloated bellies due to many reasons. They may have gassiness if they swallow too much air while feeding incorrectly, eat excessive amounts of food, or are constipated. Additionally, formula or breast milk ingredients may cause allergies or intolerances in new-born, resulting in flatulence. Also, a baby’s digestive tract is still growing and learning how to properly process food so a bloated belly is more common in babies.

In some cases, however, when a baby’s bloated belly is accompanied by excessive vomiting, inability to pass stools or blood in their stools, then it is time to call a paediatrician, but when it is not, then it’s not any condition that you cannot fix with the right feeding position and the right food. Here are some ways to treat and prevent a bloated baby belly.

Check Feeding Position

Make an effort to maintain the infant’s head higher than her tummy while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. In this manner, the air rises to the top of the stomach while the milk lowers to the bottom, making burping out easier. Use a nursing cushion for support and tip the bottle up slightly to prevent air bubbles from forming in the nipple.

Burp Your Baby

Burping a baby before, during, and after nursing is one of the simplest ways to relieve gas discomfort and a bloated belly. Lay them down on their back for a while if they don’t immediately belch, then try again.

Work Your Baby Out

Give your infant a gentle massage, rock them back and forth on their back like they’re riding a bike, or let them spend some time on their tummy (watch them while they lie on their stomach). The additional gas, which may be causing bloating in the belly can also be eliminated by taking a warm bath.

Take a Closer Look at Their Foods

Consult your baby’s doctor about foods that could make them feel bloated. Some parents feed their babies fruit juice, which is an unabsorbed source of sorbitol (sugar alcohols). If you breastfeed, certain items that you consume and that can pass into your breast milk, such as dairy products and caffeine, may be difficult for your infant to digest. If you use their formula, discuss switching brands with your doctor.

When it comes to well-being, mothers know what is best for their babies and they will do anything to ensure their babies are happy, healthy and safe. That’s why mothers always choose Tobin’s Babycare Gripe Water for their babies.

Tobin’s Babycare Gripe Water contains a special blend of ingredients to provide symptomatic relief from wind pain and colic caused by muscle spasms and excess acid. It relieves babies from 5 problems such as Griping Pain, Colic, Flatulence, Regurgitation and Teething Troubles.

For a healthy and smiling baby, visit the nearest pharmacy to get Tobin’s Babycare Gripe Water. Find more details about the product at

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