Michael Owusu Addo, professionally known as Sarkodie, has been ordered by the Accra High Court to make a formal appearance to testify in a matter he has knowledge of.

The Kantanka Automobile has been sued by one Jude Osei over a failed promise to gift him a Kantanka Mensah automobile after reaching a 30,000 retweet requirement. The plaintiff, Jude Osei, claims he received a direct message from the Kantanka Automobile Twitter account, “@Kantanka_daily”, pushing him to post a photo of the Kantanka’s car on his profile and promising to reward him if he is able to obtain 30,000 retweets.


The plaintiff, in a writ dated May 14, 2019, claimed he successfully garnered 30k retweets in a span of one year, but he did not receive his reward. Rather, the Kantanka Automobile released a disclaimer stating that the tweet offering a Kantanka Mensah car for 30k retweets is a “hoax and should be ignored”.

“Kantanka Automobile @kantankaAuto wish to inform the general public and its followers concerning a tweet offering Kantanka Mensah for 30k to be a hoax and should be ignored. Kantanka Automobile will not be responsible for any liability should this message be ignored”— Kantanka Automobile (@KantankaAuto), February 28, 2019.

Jude Osei’s lawyer, Felix Nana Osei argued that the account is not fake as the handle was once used to tweet a message to Sarkodie to which the rapper responded. The tweet was also retweeted by Kwadwo Kantanka Jnr. with the same handle, Kantanka_daily.

It is solely for this reason that, plaintiff Jude Osei, has decided to sue the company to show his extreme displeasure for having reached his 30k target only for the company to issue a disclaimer a year after.

The Ghanaian rapper will appear before the Accra High Court to “testify to matters he has knowledge of in respect to the instant suit” on Monday, June 13th at 11:00 am.

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