The three teacher unions on strike over the choice of the new Director-General of the Ghana Education Service (GES) have been called to appear before the National Labour Commission (NLC) today, Wednesday, November 9.

In order for the Commission to work out their differences, they are being summoned.

On November 4, the unions began a strike in protest of the appointment of the new GES Director-General.

They contend that Dr. Nkansah is a banker rather than an educator.

A second meeting between the unions and the Labour Ministry on Monday, November 7, came to a deadlock.

The NLC was then contacted about the matter by the Ministry.

The enraged parties were later called by the National Labour Commission to testify before it today.

The Commission is optimistic that the issue will be resolved before the engagements on Wednesday.

“We will try to resolve the matter at our level. We are capable of handling it so by close of day today, there is likely to be a resolution”, says Eyram Dotse Totimeh, the Head of Public Affairs at NLC.

The unions, meanwhile, have said they will obey the summons.

“The NLC has invited us to meet which means we have been summoned so absolutely, we shall be there,” the President of the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Angel Carbonu said.

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