Six students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) have been accused of raping a first-year student and remanded by the Asokore Mampong District Court. The development comes after the suspects were arraigned before the district court on Wednesday. According to a UTV news report, the victim is the girlfriend of one of the accused. The said boyfriend previously invited the lady for group sex but the lady objected.

The report also stated that the said gentleman lied to the lady that the encounter will be between the two of them but allowed his friends to also have their way with the lady after he was done. This is the second time a KNUST student has been charged with raping another student at the school within one month.

Until they plead that they are guilty or a court of competent jurisdiction finds them guilty, they are innocent.

Laws about Rape

The Criminal Offences Act or Penal Codes of 1960, Act 29 enacts that rape is the carnal knowledge of a female of more than 16 years without her consent. Section 97 of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29) stipulates that whoever commits rape shall be guilty of a first-degree felony and upon conviction shall be liable to a term of imprisonment not less than 5 years and not more than 25 years. The law implies that as long as a person is sixteen years or above, you can have sexual intercourse with her by her express or implied consent.

In Ghana, the offence of rape is gender specific. Thus, a man cannot be raped. Most importantly, in Ghana, a woman cannot be the perpetrator of rape. Under no circumstance will it be held that a woman has raped a man. In Ghana, rape is deemed a first-degree felony and irrespective of the relationship between the victim and the suspect it is an offence under the law. Rape is a felony and is not amendable to reconciliation between the victim and the offender.

Sexual Crimes on the Rise

Sexual crimes are on the rise, especially in our schools. The youth of today termed it as exploring and doing all sorts of impeccable acts. So many terms are given to crimes that our parents did not commit or dared not to do in the open. Now prostitution is termed as hooking up, sleeping with friends whom you are not in a relationship with is termed as friends with benefits. I cannot mention all but all these acts have made the youth so bold that they do things they like. For no reason should sex happen between more than two people? Healthy relationships should be the ones to exist now.

Healthy sexual relations are where partners provide intimacy and pleasure without discomfort, fear, or coercion.  These sexual crimes are very rampant in our tertiary institutions now. We know that education is not all about learning as many people met their better half during their days in school but we should be mindful of the kind of things we do in school. A word of caution to the guys, under the laws of Ghana, a woman cannot rape a man. Young guys should be very careful when they want to have ambiguous with the opposite sex.

Effect of Rape on Victims

A rapist does not only have sexual intercourse with their victim but inflicts both physical and psychological harm on the victim. The conversation shifts from enjoyment or pleasure. Even where there is no struggle from the victim, the victim already feels overpowered both mentally and physically. Violence such as rape is capable of inflicting long-lasting damage to the victim.

Rape victims are left with lifelong trauma, the inability to forge meaningful relations with the opposite sex, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Rape is cruel, and the offenders must face the wrath of the law. But I want to remind every male out there that according to the laws of Ghana, rape is gender specific and you should be circumspect with the kind of relationship you have with the opposite sex.

By Adam Ibrahim

Adam is passionate about politics and issues that affect governance. As a writer, he channels his energies into writing on pertinent national and political issues for the good of the Ghanaian people.

  1. The sexual advertisement and appeals on our radios and TVs too can also be a major factor in this. But anyways nice piece bro.

  2. There is an influx of sexual content on our media platforms. Radio, tv, online everything is about sex. Also, it is a result of families and societies failing to educate or instill moral values in the upcoming generation. Now, everybody, does he or she pleases to the extent that they do not care about the consequences of their actions.

  3. The government needs to ban so many advertisements on our media outlets. Even in our marketplaces all you here about sexual-related products….hmmm Ghana. It is the major cause of all these indisciplines.

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