Preparing for a date, in many instances, is laced with nervousness and confusion. Of course, you do not want to carry the “Most Boring” title at the end of the date with the other person, and you most certainly don’t want to overdo yourself either.

Maybe you are a conversation starter or maybe you’re not. The latter hinders you from delivering your best. Try your best not to turn the whole date into a vetting panel where we meet the most serious faces in this world. Take a read at some suggestions that can make the entire time spent memorable


Once you spot the other person, take a minute to admire everything detail that makes the person stand out and hey, do not keep this admiration to yourself. Voice it out. Let them know how dashing they look, how their outfit complements their skin or how cute they look when they wear that infectious smile.

Talk About The Day

To clear the air, raise light issues up for discussion. Don’t just move to serious and controversial discussions that will bring about a push and pull with none agreeing with the other. Such issues include gender roles, political leanings or religious denomination and so on. Find out how your date’s day has been.

Ask Questions and Build on Them

Follow-up questions make conversations interesting. You can ask about how the family is doing, Or what she likes doing when she’s free. Just be casual. Asking and adding follow-up tells the person you are enthused or interested in what their saying and would like to know more. Avoid asking sensitive questions as this might spoil the vibe for the entire date. You can also perform non-verbal gestures to let the person know you’re following.

Listening and Linking Favourites

As the time runs, keep the conversation going by asking about the favourites of your date. One mistake we often make is talking about ourselves more than listening. Listen attentively when the topic of favourites is rolling and find ways to link it to yours. It spices up the convo and makes both of you feel connected.

Avoid comparing exes if any. This leaves the entire ambience gloomy. You do not want that on a first date. Also, do not not act rigid and principled. Allow yourself to enjoy whatever the date brings to your table.

By Akua Karle Okyere

Akua Karle Okyere is a lifestyle blogger at The Vocal Ghanaian and also a PR technician. She enjoys researching on travels and tours and writing fictional stories in her leisure time.

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