Waist trainers have become the ‘ish’ of the day as many women have jumped onto the trendy train. Mostly, women are seen wearing them on their sportive attire to the gym or under other dresses when stepping out.

Even more, are the latest traditional wedding dresses being sewn for brides. They are made with corsets at the waist area.  The idea is to appear with a “snatched” figure and also with the hope that the frequent wearing of waist trainers will alter one’s shape to look like an hourglass.

In spite of the many pictures and testimonies shared by companies who manufacture these goods, do we ask about the side effects of waist trainers on individuals? Here are some things you should know before you decide to wear that waist trainer to bed.

Breathing Difficulties

Wearing tight waist trainers for a long time actually constricts your diaphragm. It leaves you panting at the least activities Some waist trainers are worn too tight that breathing becomes irregular and shallow, thus, affecting the general well-being of the individual. Imagine fainting in town just because you chose an excessively restricting waist trainer over breathable fabrics.

Weakened Pelvic Floor

Most women after giving birth wish to get back in shape and therefore try out several suggestions. A waist trainer is one of those suggestions they jump onto. The organs around the pelvic floor muscles require some time to heal completely after child delivery. Hence, wearing waist trainers is just like forcing the organs to heal faster than how they’re naturally supposed to. This actually retards the healing process.


Aside, from difficulties experienced in breathing, discomfort is yet another con of waist trainers. These trainers restrict not only your breath but your movement as well. You cannot flexibly pick up something without facing some squeezing around the waist and possibly, heavy panting.

Acid Reflux

Frequent wearing of tight waist trainers may lead to acid reflux. This is a digestive disease whereby one’s stomach acid travels up the oesophagus, thus, irritating the lining of the oesophagus. Pressure from the waist trainers can cause the acid from your stomach back to your oesophagus leading to hurt burns.

Nerve Damage

Again, whiles you’re thinking of wearing that tight waist trainer in order to burn fat, think of how you may be damaging your nerves. The nerve running down from the groin is compressed anytime you clad yourself in corsets, waist trainers and any other tight clothing. Continuous wearing of these can damage some nerves in that area.

By Akua Karle Okyere

Akua Karle Okyere is a lifestyle blogger at The Vocal Ghanaian and also a PR technician. She enjoys researching on travels and tours and writing fictional stories in her leisure time.

  1. Waist trainers can be uncomfortable and restrictive, and they can even be dangerous if worn too tightly or for too long. It is important to talk to your doctor before using a waist trainer.

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