Defilement is a traumatic act that stains a child’s innocence and retards the normal growth of the child’s mind. In minimum cases, these children are able to recover speedily from these unfortunate events. The greater number of these victims, however, barely recognize themselves afterwards. Everyone becomes a threat to these victims as they go through psychological changes and effects.

It gets worse when the perpetrator is someone very close to them. In such instances, their recovery rate is often slow and unsteady, with one trait common among them: loss of trust. This affects their relationships with people. They get to the point where they believe everyone is capable of harming them; hence, the need to always be on guard and be defensive.

The effects of defilement do not only play in the victim’s childhood but also, through other phases of life. Some victims, especially women, go into relationships with less or no trust for their partners. They portray secretiveness and have regular mood swings among others. In the early stages of the relationship, some become wary of their partners and are often on the lookout for signs of betrayal, violence and so on to confirm their fears.

Furthermore, when relating with people who have gone through the unspeakable, extra attention and patience are needed. They sometimes become critical as they scrutinize every tiny action of their partners or anyone in their close circle. Not just that, but they tend to over-think and because of that, they are often alone. They may be surrounded by a lot of people and still feel lonely and out of place.

There is also the issue of self-esteem. Most survivors have low self-esteem. They avoid the spotlights and look down on their abilities and self. In public places, they avoid taking up positions, speaking up and socializing with others because they are of the perception that they are incapable of fitting in.

The issue of perpetrators becoming repentant after being penalized is still unsolved as many cases of defilement and rape are covered up with the excuse of family ties and the rest.

Photo Credit: Penciled Celebrities

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