Inasmuch as treatment can sometimes be tiresome, dandruff in your hair should not be ignored or considered normal. It does not disappear by itself, as myths say. Dandruff, in simple words, is dry flakes of skin that can easily come off, even with rigorous scratching, yet the scratching doesn’t eradicate the problem.

For those with lots of hair, you’d realize that braiding is not an attractive option because it exposes the flakes more, giving room for embarrassing stares in public. Dandruff can be caused by various factors such as oily and irritable scalps, Malassezia (a fungus that feeds on oils on the scalps), allergic reactions caused by hair products, dry scalps and so on. Dandruff goes a long way to reduce your self-esteem. You can put a stop to those embarrassing moments of flaking by trying these recommended solutions.

Regular Cleaning

Visit your hairdresser or if you are your own hairdresser, wash your hair often to clean out the flakes designing your hair. At least once a week is good. Dandruff can get extremely itchy so a good wash does wonders to your scalp and entire wellbeing. In washing your hair, go for quality shampoos aimed at treating dandruff.


The scalp just like the skin on any part of the body also has dead skin cells. Therefore, it is advisable to exfoliate the scalp to get rid of these dead cells which we build up and increase flakes in hair.

Check Your Diet

Taking in too many carbs and sugar has a way of promoting inflammation and the intake of fruit and vegetables promotes the overall well-being of the body including the scalp’s overall look. Foods such as tuna fish, peanut butter, extra virgin olive oil, salmon, and avocado should be included in your diet, especially when treating dandruff.

All the above-mentioned solutions are ones you can try at home so there’s no excuse for you. Adopt any or all of these remedies and await the exciting transformation.

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