In case you missed this, British rapper of Ghanaian descent, Stormzy, known in real life as Michael Ebenezer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jnr, has received an honorary degree from the University of Exeter in recognition of his outstanding achievements in higher education philanthropy.

The rapper was granted the honour because of his “remarkable contribution to society and extraordinary talent”.

The ‘Own It’ artist also addressed the university’s graduating class, where he praised them for having “the guts and the grit and the dedication that it takes to study for years and to finish your degree.”

He also reflected on his own education: “I got my AS results in my first year of college. I didn’t have the same minerals that you guys have. A year later I took another swing at my A levels at a different college… until I sat down for my English exam in January and walked out after 10 minutes.”

Stormzy went on to praise the students for graduating from their courses: “It took a hell of a lot for you to get here today. Your journeys to get to this moment were hard-fought. The road you took was not easy. And this is coming from someone who tried to walk that exact same road and failed. So from the bottom of my heart, I say congratulations, well done and you should all be so proud of yourselves, what you have achieved is incredible. Don’t let anybody downplay it and don’t let anybody undermine it. If you are sat in this room today you are worthy and you are brilliant.”

Stormzy’s reaction to being told that he was getting an honorary degree was: “When I asked what exactly am I receiving this honour for I was told, and I quote, ‘It is in recognition of your outstanding achievements in the field of higher education, philanthropy and widening participation’, and I was like, Rah boy… check me out. They’re calling lil’ old Mike a philanthropist”.

In recent years Stormzy has established a scholarship, the “Stormzy Scholarship”, that supports Black British students while studying at the University of Cambridge. So far, six students have been helped out by the scholarship scheme.

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