Heartbreak is a terrible and horrible experience, yet every cloud has a silver lining. We’ve all experienced heartbreak, but how we deal with it is what makes the difference. After a heartbreak, some people isolate themselves from the rest of the world and new experiences; others deal with the sorrow, let it all sink in, and then get up, recover, and move on.

The wrong approach to dealing with heartbreak is to ignore your emotions and deny yourself the opportunity to grieve; in fact, doing so will only make matters worse. The anguish of heartbreak will teach you many important things that will help you be ready for your next encounter, even though there is no simple method to get rid of the suffering—you’ll just have to embrace these emotions.

Lesson 1: Being Alone is Preferable To Being With The Wrong Person

Don’t enter a relationship or postpone ending one because you’re afraid of being alone. You will ultimately feel alone if you are with the wrong person.

Lesson 2: You Lose Yourself In The Attempt To Cling To Someone Who Does Not Want You Back

If a person wants to leave, you cannot make them stay. If they want to leave, they will leave regardless of how much you lose yourself or alter who you are to keep them. Find a partner who accepts you exactly as you are or not at all.

Lesson 3: You Can’t Force Someone To Change Unless They Want To

The biggest deception you can tell yourself is that you believe incompatibility to be a little problem that will pass with time and be resolved. Don’t ignore the things you dislike initially in the hopes that you will modify them later. Never ignore warning signs.

Lesson 4: Giving Up Is Not Always Considered Weakness

Some doors should always be closed. Don’t try to force it; let go and move on. It is strength, not weakness, to be able to walk away from something or someone who does not want to be with you.

Lesson 5: You Still Need To Be Self-Sufficient

You will discover that you shouldn’t completely rely on others or anticipate them to handle every aspect of your life. You are the only person who should be in control of your own life.

Lesson 6: Every Relationship Teaches You A Lesson

Not everyone you meet is destined to be in your life forever. Some people will enter your life to teach you a lesson, leave, and that will be it. That was their purpose and their part in your life. Even though you may not want to hear it, someone may have just been brought to you to help you discover more about who you are, what you value in a partner, what you are prepared to give up, and what you are not.

Lesson 7: Time Heals All Things

When our hearts are broken, we may first believe that life is over. However, as time goes on, the pain will lessen, and we will recover, but the lesson we learned will serve as a constant reminder to strive not to break our hearts again.

By Akua Karle Okyere

Akua Karle Okyere is a lifestyle blogger at The Vocal Ghanaian and also a PR technician. She enjoys researching on travels and tours and writing fictional stories in her leisure time.

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